Friday, 4 May 2012

How I got into Gaming

  I spent a good deal of time this afternoon deriving a title for this article, most of them were long and drawn out, containing more words than a catchy title actually deserves. “Keep it simple” I said to myself, so there it is, a simple concise title for an in depth article on how I got into gaming,

   Flashback to 1998, most things have changed since then, the gaming industry has had many overhauls, new technologies and sciences to explore, but one thing they still have is a shitload of impressionable kids, dying to go out and buy the next game in a franchise, be it, Mario, G.T.A or Call of Duty.  I have never been a massive follower of trends, I usually discover things for myself, and one of those things was gaming.
My family had just bought a Time P.C for the hefty sum of £1k. Windows 98, I think it had about 600mb of storage, and god knows what the Ram was. Included in the package was Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3d. And that’s how it all started.

  In the years since I have always been a dedicated PC gamer, getting myself into a nice debt buying a gaming pc, and subsequently loosing my job and being unable to afford the payments… When that blew up in early 2011 I had to pick up a console, money was (and is) tight, so I picked up an Xbox 360 of a mate for £30, problem was, the drive wouldn’t read any disks. Great. That was shelved for 8 months, until I realised. Hell, if I can rewire electric Guitars, and competently disassemble and reassemble various electronic devices surely I could fix an Xbox, One tweak of the laser resistor and I was good to go.

Not Exactly Pretty was it...?  Fun though.

And I still managed to add some Star Wars in there for May the fourth

   May the Forth be with you...


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